
World of warcraft bfa review
World of warcraft bfa review

It’s a mix of African and South American cultures and architecture, and I dig it. “Battle for Azeroth” feels very much inspired by “Marvel’s The Black Panther”, which is certainly not a bad thing. If there’s one thing Blizzard can do, it’s set the stage for a story. I have taken a tour of both islands and all six of the leveling zones (three per island) are scenic and breathtaking. Though I did focus on the Horde side of events, I do have a 110 on the Alliance side I’m going to take through to see the other side of the story. Each faction having their own island is interesting, and they are absolutely gorgeous. So now we have moved to Kul’Tiras (Alliance) and Zandalar (Horde). It’s my opinion that the Old Ones have taken sides and are causing the destruction of Azeroth as we know it. The burning of Teldrassil and the siege of Lordaeron Ruins? Sylvanas sacrificing the Horde and resurrecting them as mindless undead? There’s a lot of speculation on what this all means, but I’m going to put my chips in the “Old Gods Warring” pile. I will say that the pre-BFA event was pretty damn exciting. The story for Battle for Azeroth has been truly interesting so far. Why would I bother with leveling/lowering my material requirements? I replaced my ilevel rings, crafted for me by my friend Biral in my “very first dungeon” I ran with him. The economy is still pretty terrible, and crafting, while it has updated some with ranks in some places for lower materials, is still almost useless. I’m probably in the minority, but I wasn’t really enthralled by the Legion story of “Hey guys, remember all that stuff in BC? We’re gonna expand on it about a decade later! And right when we finally win the day and work together, the big bad’s gonna stab the planet!” So all of that goodwill and teamwork is just as quickly thrown away: It’s the Battle for Azeroth now! World of Warcraft is “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. They fixed it eventually, but it was certainly a “far too late” situation for me. I enjoyed Legion more than I did Mists and Warlords, but the insane grind for Artifact Power was, well, insane. That changed with Battle for Azeroth. The last expansion I truly enjoyed was Wrath of the Lich King. Since Activision and Blizzard began working together, I’ve felt a slow decline of excitement in World of Warcraft.

World of warcraft bfa review